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Nockmarr, Tripedal Boy

Beautiful boy whose leg hath forsaken him

It’s surgery day

Filed under: Uncategorized — nockmarr at 5:18 am on Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Yesterday we took the cats outside and enjoyed the sunshine, knowing it was Nockmarr’s last day with four legs. I’ve been sad and scared. He is staying overnight at the hospital for recovery and pain management. I am worried and miss him. I saw him briefly while transporting him from the vet office to the emergency vet, since the office would not have anyone available to monitor him overnight. He was heavily drugged in his carrier and I did not want to scare him further. He growled when the carrier was moved. It’s surely been an incredibly hard day for him.

Because of the pandemic, only dropoffs are available at the vet offices. So throughout the entire span of us finding the lump in his foot and today, the day of amputation, I have not been able to accompany him on any of his many vet visits. He’s sick to the teeth of the appointments and the pill regimen. I’m sorry, my poor boy, but it’s going to be like this for a while. I hope to put more information in a later post. I spent a good while setting up this account and the blog, so it’s taken me right up to bedtime. I’m used to Nockmarr sitting by my side on the calm evenings like this. We have a good routine in place. I can only hope we can be back to it soon and he will feel better. I love this good boy.




June 10, 2020 @ 4:34 pm   Reply

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June 10, 2020 @ 5:39 pm   Reply

Nockmarr I hope you are feeling better today! Sounds like you have a great vet team helping you heal, and your people are ready to help you too when you come home. Get well soon my friend, I look forward to hearing more about why you joined us, and watch you kick some butt on 3 legs! xoxo



June 10, 2020 @ 11:04 pm   Reply

Thank you, Jerry. This site has been a wonderful resource so far and I have a lot more to learn!



June 11, 2020 @ 1:45 am   Reply

Technical difficulties, going to reboot and see if i can get back here to post ❤



June 11, 2020 @ 1:54 am   Reply

So glad your furbaby is doing ok. Please consider making a post in the forums so we can follow you better to help through recovery.
I can’t even imagine having doing the no contact thing… just boggles my mind.
Wishing you a healthy, uncomplicated recovery. Please keep in touch❤

A post in the surgery and recovery forums will really help us follow you. There’s some pretty pawsome ppl in this community for cats.
Sending pawsitive vibes and hugs,
Jackie and Huckleberry❤



June 12, 2020 @ 12:34 am   Reply

He is a beautiful boy, and we wish him all the luck possible both with his surgery and recovery. Hope you are coping okay, and remembering to look after yourself as well as Nockmarr ❤️



    June 12, 2020 @ 2:44 am   Reply

    Thank you, Shannon. We’re doing our best 🙂



June 12, 2020 @ 2:39 am   Reply

Thank you, Jackie! I’ve been overwhelmed so far and just trying to read everything. I may post in the forums soon but I don’t have any particular question to ask. Nockmarr was on more sedation and pain medication than is normal I believe and his recovery has been more challenging than other folks from what I can tell. I’m trying to piece what behavior is him being loopy from drugs, what is stress behavior, what is pain. Today is already much better than yesterday though so I’m hoping we’re coming out of the worst of it.

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